7 reasons working from home may not be good for you
Working from home can be a great option for some people, it allows for flexibility, can save costs and commuting time. However it’s important to consider the disadvantages of working from home for both your business and your employees. Common problems of working from home that lead to people opting to work in an office such as a coworking space include: 1. Impact on your mental wellbeing Working from home full time can lead to social isolation and you may not have any face to face contact for extended periods of time. Social isolation can have a detrimental effect on your health, leading to stress and depression. 2. Lack of separation between work and home life Working from home can cause the line between home life and work life to become blurred, especially if you don’t have a dedicated office and are working in a bedroom or living room. 3. Setup costs Setting up a home office can be expensive, especially when you’re used to working with high-speed internet, multiple...