7 reasons working from home may not be good for you
Working from home can be a great option for some people, it allows for flexibility, can save costs and commuting time. However it’s important to consider the disadvantages of working from home for both your business and your employees.
Common problems of working from home that lead to people opting to work in an office such as a coworking space include:
Working from home full time can lead to social isolation and you may not have any face to face contact for extended periods of time. Social isolation can have a detrimental effect on your health, leading to stress and depression.
2. Lack of separation between work and home life
Working from home can cause the line between home life and work life to become blurred, especially if you don’t have a dedicated office and are working in a bedroom or living room.
3. Setup costs
Setting up a home office can be expensive, especially when you’re used to working with high-speed internet, multiple monitors and printing facilities alongside desks and chairs. The benefits of using a coworking space is that such facilities are often available for your use.
4. Lack of meeting space
Whilst your home may be suitable for you to work in, it may not be suitable for hosting meetings with potential or existing clients. Lack of a suitable space to meet people can make you appear unprofessional. Many coworking spaces have dedicated meeting rooms that you are able to hire for meetings.
5. Lack of productivity
Setting up a home office reduces your living space alongside incurring setup costs. Whether you choose to have an office your spare room or a communal area in the home, you will be reducing living space in your house, which can be a problem especially when living with others.
7. Danger of overworking
When your office is always there, it can cause a problem, especially for diligent employees. Working from home may lead to you forgetting to clock out and overworking yourself which can lead to stress and also create isolation from your family members.
There are options other than working from home that allow for a flexible work life and reduce the costs of renting a dedicated space for your business. Using a coworking space by renting an allocated desk or hotdesking for a daily fee can help you to overcome some of the common problems of working from home whilst remaining flexible.
Nice Blog coworking space in Nehru place